UMW Baazar Money Donations Decided
If you missed the January UMW meeting, you really missed out! What fun we had deciding on how to spend the money we made on the bazaar and our rummage sale. The final vote was for the following (in no particular order):
UMW Great No. District
Boy Scouts Troop 31
Boys & Girls Club
Chico Food Locker
Esplanade Women’s Care
Heifer Project/Honor
Jesus Center
Meals on Wheels
Mission U Meals
Seeds of Dignity Shipping
Seeds of Dignity Boat
Torres Community Center
Trinity UMC/Pledge
6th St./Youth for Change
Carafes for Kitchen (6)
In addition, it was voted to offer the Board of Trustees money toward the repair of the ovens and the replacement of the water heater (suggested the possibility of “on demand” type) in the kitchen. Wow! The total is a whopper! (Check the Trinity Times or email for full financial details.) Ladies, give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well-done.