After-Church Collection Counter Needed – Alternate Sundays
Dear Congregation,
After years of faithful service and hard work (I’m about to find out just how hard), Lily Loughlin is stepping down as Trinity’s Financial Secretary. While I am honored to be following in the footsteps of Lily and Elsie Hibdon, I will have to give up my position as one of the after-church collection-counters, and we need a replacement. Might this be for you? Church rules direct us that no single person or family does the counting alone, so we have a team. I found it to be an enjoyable, straightforward task each week and have really had fun working with Neil and Marcia Schwertman and Peggy Bergquist. Ideally, congregations have collection-counters on alternate weeks (first/third Sundays and second/fourth Sundays) for purposes of confidentiality, plus then no one has to miss coffee hour every week, and things are more flexible when someone is out of town – so we can use more than one new person – bring a friend! The task usually takes about 20 – 30 minutes, and training will be provided! If you are interested, contact me (Pamela) or let Rich know, or drop into the office after church and see what’s involved. Another “domino” in this sequence is that Bill Borror will be taking a greater role as Finance Committee Chair. He is already hard at work organizing accounts in the Endowment Fund and getting the committee ready for 2018. Thank you, Bill!
-Pam Beeman-Rabut