UMW News

If you weren’t at the February Unit meeting, you missed out! With chocolate covered strawberries and a serenade by the wonderful barbershop quartet, what more could you ask for on Valentine’s Day?
We usher in March with our annual rummage sale on March 2 and 3. Volunteers who help set up are rewarded with first pick—a good reason to sign up to work! Proceeds from this sale go toward the many charitable donations we make to the church and community. Donations of usable items are gratefully accepted—and keep saving because another rummage opportunity will come up in September. Many thanks to David Haynes for his rummage sale expertise!
Speaking of David Haynes, a huge “thank you” to him from the ladies of the church for repairing the silverware drawer—it now slides easily and without danger of spilling its contents on the floor! He also repaired the drainboard around the sink in the kitchen. What would we do without David? The ladies of the church are already busy embroidering tea towels for our Christmas bazaar. If you are willing to do some embroidery, Neva Wacker has taken on the chairmanship of this endeavor.