Peter Cowles, Seeds of Dignity Ministries to Speak

Seeds of Dignity Ministries
Tuesday June 19, 2018 at 5:00pm
Trinity United Methodist Church Chapel
Everyone is invited Come hear an update on the good works of the Seeds of Dignity in the Philippines Hear about the progress of Trinity Love
Come hear Peter Cowles, president of The Seeds of Dignity Ministries speak about the outreach and partnering they are doing in the Philippines. As many of you know Seeds of Dignity is a faith based ministry to help less fortunate Filipinos both physically and spiritually. Many of you have contributed clothing, books, toys, postage, and financial support and have asked me how these items you have donated have helped. This is your chance to talk with Peter and learn about the ways in which the lively-hood projects and partnering with other organizations has made a difference in peoples lives.
As Peter says “The real help doesn’t come from just giving things to those in poverty without a purpose or strategy. Well intentioned giving can even complicate poverty reduction by creating dependency on the outside resources.”