Family Potluck June 10th – Get on the Family Email List!
Youth, children, and families at Trinity are invited to the summer kick off get together at the usual spot in Cohasset after the Sunday, June 10th 10:30 service. It would be nice to spend some time before our summer plans take us in separate directions. The above ground pool will be up and, of course, there will be farm animals a-plenty to meet, greet or just be entertained by from a distance.
Pulled chicken sandwiches will be provided. Please bring a side dish, dessert, and/or snack food to enjoy and of course, your favorite beverages! Guitar will be handy, but your instruments or card game or witty conversation would be welcome too as we enjoy some relaxation together. If anyone has any nerf guns or similar things, feel free to bring them. Our kids enjoy capture the flag- nerf gun style.
If you aren’t on the family email list but are part of a Trinity family or a regular Trinity family attendee, contact the office for full details regarding this event and others like it that pop up.