5/20/18 Calendar

5/20/18 Calendar

Weekly Church Calendar

Sunday May 20

8:30 a.m. Worship, Chapel

9:30 a.m. Choir Practice

Adult Sunday School, Library

10:30 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary


Monday May 21

4:00 p.m. Trinity Times Deadline

Tuesday May 22

10:00 a.m. Deborah Circle, Loughlin Residence

4:00 p.m. Harvey Milk Day Setup

6:00 p.m. Harvey Milk Day Program, Hadley Hall

Wednesday May 23

7:00 p.m. TBA Circle

Thursday May 24

9:00 a.m. Accordion Group, Lounge
7:11 p.m. Choir Practice

Saturday May 26

4:00 p.m. Torres Food Prep.

Other Meetings Held at Trinity UMC

Each Sunday

7:00 p.m. “New Life” Coed AA Meeting, Hadley Hall

Each Tuesday

6:30 p.m. Boy Scout Troop 31, Hadley Hall

Each Wednesday

5:30 p.m. “Nurturing Women” AA Meeting, Lounge

6:00 p.m. CHAT Working Group, Library

Each Thursday
5:30 p.m. “AA Meditation Meeting” AA Meeting, Lounge

8:00 p.m. “Serenity Cowboys” AA Meeting, Hadley Hall
Each Friday
6:30 p.m. “Young Peoples” AA Meeting, Hadley Hall

Each Saturday

7:30 p.m. “Saturday Nite Live” AA Meeting, Hadley Hall

The deadline for submitting articles for the June Trinity
Times is Monday, May 21 at 4:00 p.m. Because of the
work schedule in the church office, this deadline cannot
be extended. Thanks for your understanding.

There will be no children’s Sunday school next week,
May 27. The children may return to their seats following
children’s time.

Please note that the Deborah Circle meeting will be at
10:00 a.m. Tuesday (May 22) at Lily Loughlin’s residence,