UMW News

UMW News

The United Methodist Women aka UMW is a women’s organization whose purpose is “to know God and to promote fellowship among women.” Trinity’s is a unit of the national organization as well as belonging to the District’s similar to the church’s connection with it.

Our Trinity unit meets on the third Wednesday of each month except during July and August unless otherwise announced. Its two fundraisers, the Spring Rummage Sale and December craft fair dubbed BAZAAR raise money to support the following charitable groups: BOYS and GIRLS Club; Catalyst; Esplanade House; Jesus Center; Meals on Wheels; Catholic Ladies food bank; PASSAGES and Torres Shelter. It sends support to projects such as Heifer and to disaster funds as well.

The officers for 2021 are: Carol Riley,Pres.; Anne Ratzlaff, VP; Pam Rabut, Sec.; Coleen Schloman, Treas. Social Chrm. is Marian Ware and  Sunshine Neva Wacker. Lily Loughlin writes UMW Notes for the Trinity Times. During the first half of 2021 UMW had a Rummage Sale in March, a luncheon to recognize the members’ participation in past and current activities, and a visit to Carol Kern’s labyrinth. All women are invited to attend and participate in UMW meetings and activities.