WUF News – Speakers Announced and more

This year, WUF VP Carolyn Clayton has organized speakers for the meetings that are held on the 3rd Wed. of each month at 10:00, usually in the Library, but subject to change. In February there were two speakers from Chico State’s HUNGRY WILDCATS FOOD PANTRY, a new charitable group the women support. Some of the women brought food items for the speakers to take back to the pantry. March’s speaker represented the Suicide Prevention Agency and her talk was reported in the April Trinity Times. On April 19th the speaker will be from the SHALOM CLINIC and Carolyn urges attendees to bring belts, socks and outerwear for their clients. It will be announced in the church’s Sunday bulletin prior to the meeting date.
Other speakers, though the months are not set, yet include THE SKYWAY HOUSE, the MERCY SHIPS; Katherine Parker – the missionary to Nepal – in the fall when she is back for furlough; a teacher of sign language; Foster Kids; an “inspirational” book review; a non-traditional Mothers’ Day tea; making a craft to deliver to patients in memory care, perhaps heart shaped pillows that were described in RESPONSE and samples made by a member. And come to help plan, prepare and assist the biggest fundraiser, the annual December Bazaar! Ladies: Mark your calendars for the 3rd Wed. of each month and plan to attend for fellowship, information and fun!