UWF News Bits

When persons who have no medical insurance or a primary care doctor need their health care problems cared for, the resource they can depend on is the SHALOM CLINIC pioneered and aministered by Nancy Morgan-Fergeson who gave a presentation to the ladies at their April 19th meeting in Hadley Hall.
Working with Dr. Logan and sixty selected CSUC health majors they run a Sunday clinic and a food pantry, clothing distribution center as well as a mental health clinic in person and via phone to those otherwise unable to receive physical and mental health care needs.
The volunteers are mainly there to earn hours required to admission to medical or nursing schools, and often learn whether or not that is the field they wish to enter.
As a token to thank Nancy for her informative lecture, the UWF ladies brought belts, clothing, socks and shoes to take back to the clinic, and Pam Beeman presented a check of $730 church members had designated for them on their Alternative Easter giving offerings.
Lucille Wanee announced church member Mimi Moser celebrates her 105th birthday on Apr. 21st and birthday greetings would be welcome.
News of Trinity’s friend Ali Sasour’s passing and funeral at the Muslim cemetery was noted and a sympathy card will be sent via Olav and Tara Smith.
VP Carolyn Clayton announced an exhibit of art by foster kids will be at MONCA April 27-May 11th and urged attendance.
Suellen Rowlinson reported Missionary to Nepal Katherine Parker will be visiting on Oct. 8th and a church potluck will be held with the probability of inviting area Methodist church members to participate. Suellen also solicited ideas of suggestions for maintenace areas of concern to be given to the Church Council and the Trustees.
Neva Wacker announced the Sewing Group that makes crafts for the Bazaar will meet on Wednesday April 26th. Lily asked they make heart shaped pillows for shut-ins and others with fabric remnants, citing a Jan. RESPONSE article by a unit in GA that was the impetus for the project. Coleen suggested that it could also be a fundraiser.’
Some years ago there were organized circles for socialization other than the unit meetings, but disbanded for a variety of reasons. Pres. Neva suggested there could be a revival of them and urged the unit to consider them for future discussions.
Besides the informative lecture about Shalom Clinic, the highlight of the meeting was the plan to observe formerly long time member Virginia Mancebo’s 100th birthday on April 22nd. An anthurium plant, group-signed birthday card and a heart pillow with some candy were taken to her by Carol Riley and Lily Loughlin. They reported an enjoyable visit with Virginia who remains keen and articulate and looked forward to her birthday party with her grandchildren. There will be a salad potluck on Saturday, May 20th and all ladies and guests they wish to invite are welcome to attend 11:30-1:30. Childcare is not provided, but please mark your
calendars for a joyous event. (There will be sign up sheets available on the Sundays before the event.)