New Photo Directory
Hello Trinity Family,
Are you up for a new church photo directory? Well, if so, you’re in luck! Plans are being made to produce an in-house directory. The directory will include members and regular attendees. We will use digital photos. There will be 2 ways to provide us with a photo: 1) take advantage of the photo sessions provided after church services in Hadley Hall (see schedule below) OR 2) provide your own digital head-shot photo. If you choose to provide your own photo, be sure it has a resolution of 2256 x 1496 pixels or better. Also be sure to provide up-to-date address, email and home/mobile phone information! Hadley Hall photo sessions are based on the first letter of your last name. Sessions will be after church services on the following dates:
A – J: March 3rd
K – R: March 10th
S – Z: March 17th
Make-up photos: March 24th The Directory Committee (Mary Wahl, Candy Murphy, Nancy Mayr and Katya Yarosevich) hope to complete the directory by May.