UMW News
Rummage sale funds more charitable giving, save the date 5/5 for Mother’s Day Tea, and don’t forget the April 11th unit meeting!
Rummage sale funds more charitable giving, save the date 5/5 for Mother’s Day Tea, and don’t forget the April 11th unit meeting!
To qualify as hope, our aspirations must be towards the good. It sounds so obvious, but I meet folks every day, sometimes in the mirror in the morning too, who are wide open to all sorts of negativity, who live in dread and sure expectation that the worst is just around the corner. That we often feel despondent and hopeless is not really much of a mystery, is it? Obviously there are many life situations that we do not personally control, but the thing that is always in our control is our response to those situations, and the hope-filled person is devoted to choosing a positive response.
The Finance Committee has released the first quarter report. Please see the Trinity Times or stop by the office for financial details. Donations are meeting our expenses. The committee notes that our contributions have put us in a very strong position as we start the New Year.
The General Board of Church and Society has concluded the spring 2018 meeting of the Board of Directors, which occurred March 15-18. For the first time in the agency’s history, the board met outside of the United States in Berlin, Germany. Many actions were taken.
Click to see what you missed at the February Unit meeting. There were chocolate covered strawberries and a barbershop quartet ’cause that’s how the UMW rolls, ladies.
Wow! The total raised is a whopper! Ladies, give yourselves a pat on the back for a job well-done.
Historically speaking, Groundhog Day is a direct descendent of Candlemas, which, for early Christians, was a day to bless and distribute candles— a hot commodity in the days before electric light, especially during the cold, dark winter. This celebration, halfway between the winter solstice and the spring equinox, had been founded by the pagans and eventually given a new spin by the Church, marked by the blessing of candles by the local priest, and giving them to all the parish homes. Together they would kindle the Christ light, chasing the cold and shadows of winter temporarily away. Nice custom, yes?
Pro bono publico! For the public good… for the good of all… if Jesus had spoken Latin, it sounds like something he would have said, yes? If you are not involved pro bono publico, or you are barely challenged, jump start your mind and heart and get back on the path of service.