Ongoing Choir Info

Ongoing Choir Info

The Trinity Adult Choir will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The first anthem they perform in church will be on Rally Day, September 10th. We hope you will join us and enjoy the wonderful, worshipful music and more.

Worship, August 27th

Worship, August 27th

Hello, hello, beloved Trinity friends and family! August is just about over, and so is our summer sermon series!  Today we conclude our sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and their counterparts, the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Please join us if you can at 8:30 in the Chapel, or at 10:30 in 

UWF News 8/22/23

UWF News 8/22/23

After their summer hiatus, the UMF will meet on Wednesday, Sept. 20th, at 10:00 to fellowship and discuss agenda items, especially their annual fundraiser  Bazaar that will be held on Dec. 1st-2nd. Some projects such as embroidering tea towels have been in the works since early spring, with 

Worship August 20th

Worship August 20th

Good morning, my beloved Trinity friends and family! August continues with a blessed relief from the intense toastiness…I wish I could claim credit fro bringing the fair Canadian weather back with me, but that is all God, of course! Today we continue our sermon series 

Choir Practice.

Choir Practice.

Hello Trinity Community! Choir practice for adults is being held weekly at 7pm in our church sanctuary, beginning on August 23rd. More details can be found in the invitation letter attached below. We hope to see you there. For a brief video preview of the 

August 6th Worship

August 6th Worship

Good evening, dear Friends and Family of Trinity! Well…I welcome you into August and all the expected toastiness as we continue our sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and their counterparts, the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Please join us if you can at 8:30 in 

August 2023 Trinity Times

August 2023 Trinity Times

Hello folks. Below is a link to our August 2023 Trinity Times Newsletter, redacted for publication online. As per usual, congregation members can request an unredacted version by email.

July 30th Sermon

July 30th Sermon

Hello again, Dear Friends and Family of Trinity!  Well…the heat has broken a little bit, at least. On this slightly less toasty morning we continue our sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and their counterparts, the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Please join us if you can at 8:30 

Sermon and bulletin, July 23rd

Sermon and bulletin, July 23rd

[Editor’s note: This is being posted day-of due to a minor dysfunction of technology. As such, the ‘tomorrow’s in this message refer to today, July 23rd] Hello again, Dear Friends and Family of Trinity! On this toasty morning we continue our sermon series on the 

July 16th Worship

July 16th Worship

Hello again, Dear Friends and Family of Trinity! Wow, our delayed summer is really making up for lost time in June! We continue in our sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and their counterparts, the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Please join us this weekend at