Churches- they’re made of people.
We are a progressive church that loves music, social justice, and a traditional worship service.
Our official membership is in the mid 300s. Theological diversity keeps us honest and our discussions lively. Visitors are always welcome!
Yes, visiting a church is like going to a new school mid-year. Everyone knows each other. There is all that… history. To get a feel for who we are, we recommend you start with a couple of worship services and then socialize afterwards in Hadley Hall just off the sanctuary. If we’re enough of a fit to make the awkwardness tolerable, consider the six month challenge. We really do welcome visitors and want to meet you. You might just be our new favorite folks.
6 Month Challenge
The best way to get to know us is to show up for worship led by Pastor Dave Vallelunga and stick around for about 6 months participating in at least one additional activity every month.
This section will be updated will be updated with information about our current church activities soon. In the meantime, contact the Trinity UMC office for information on the activities we offer.
Committees & Groups
- Church and Society
- service opportunities to address social injustice, homelessness, human trafficking, mass incarceration, economic inequality, racism, poverty, disaster relief, and more
- Church Council
- Education
- Adult Sunday School
- Children’s Sunday School
- Bible Study
- Vacation Bible School
- Endowments
- Finance
- Membership
- Missions
- Music
- Children’s Choir
- Chime Choir
- Choir
- Ukelele Group
- Guest Musicians
- Prayer Chain
- Reconciling (LGBT Equality)
- Small Groups
- Staff-Parish
- Stewardship
- Trustees
- United Methodist Women
- Visiting Ministry
- Youth Group
- Youth Education
- Volunteer Outreach
- Social Activities, Music, Theater, Sport
Besides the formal activities, there are irregular book clubs, BBQs, potlucks, dances, and so-much-more. Take the 6 Month Challenge and let us get a chance to know you.