
October 1st Worship

October 1st Worship

Hello again, friends of the Methodist persuasion… This coming Sunday is World Communion Sunday, something the Christian family the world over gets to enjoy together! We welcome Kathy Eckart back to the organ bench as part of the worship leadership. And St. Matthew continues to 

First Sunday

First Sunday

This is First Sunday coming up. Please bring your food offering and leave it at the altar rail or bring it into our table in Hadley Hall. Many thanks and blessings. Gary Estep TUMC Church/Society Commttee

September 24th Worship

September 24th Worship

Hello my Methodist friends… We welcome back the Choir, and Rev. Brian Peterson, and Minda Fernish, all part of the worship leadership tomorrow. St. Matthew continues to challenge us, tomorrow with what is undoubtedly most folk’s least-favorite bible story…come see what all the fuss is 

September 17th Worship

September 17th Worship

Hello everybody…hope you are weathering what I hope is the fading edge of hotness outside.We continue in St. Matthew today with a blistering parable about mercy and forgiveness. Caroline Fairchild and I will be providing the music this morning. Please join us in whatever way 

UWF Notice

UWF Notice

Hello Trinity Family, United Women in Faith (UWF), formerly United Methodist Women (UMW), will be meeting every third Wednesday at 10:00 AM in the church library unless noted otherwise. Have a wonderful wonderful week.

September 10th Worship Materials

September 10th Worship Materials

Good evening, everybody…sorry so late with this, it was quite a full day! Today is a special day in the life of our church – it is RALLY DAY. We welcome everybody back from summer traveling, we welcome Minda Fernish back to the piano, we welcome our new Choir 

September 3rd Worship

September 3rd Worship

Hello again, beloved Trinity friends and family! Happy Labor Day weekend…I do hope that you will find time to appreciate the fruits of your labors, and even get some rest if you need it! We welcome Minda Fernish back to the piano this morning and 

September Trinity Times

September Trinity Times

Hello Trinity Family, A redacted, web-friendly version of the September newsletter is attached below. Congregation members may contact the office for the full version.

Ongoing Choir Info

Ongoing Choir Info

The Trinity Adult Choir will continue to meet on Wednesday evenings at 7pm. The first anthem they perform in church will be on Rally Day, September 10th. We hope you will join us and enjoy the wonderful, worshipful music and more.

Worship, August 27th

Worship, August 27th

Hello, hello, beloved Trinity friends and family! August is just about over, and so is our summer sermon series!  Today we conclude our sermon series on the Seven Deadly Sins and their counterparts, the Seven Heavenly Virtues. Please join us if you can at 8:30 in the Chapel, or at 10:30 in