
July 2023 Trinity Times

July 2023 Trinity Times

Below is a redacted copy of our July 2023 newsletter. Congregation members can contact the Trinity UMC office for an unredacted copy.

UWF News (6/25/23)

UWF News (6/25/23)

 “The ladies’ last activity before their summer hiatus was a trip to the Paradise UMC on June 24th to walk the labyrinth. Members Selma, Mary Jane, Kay and Cleo  who currently attend Trinity after the disastrous 2019 fire shuttered the church were their guides. A story of of the labyrinth 

Worship Materials for Jun 24th

Worship Materials for Jun 24th

Hello again, Friends and Family of Trinity! I am very much looking forward to this coming Sunday…a great text, a compelling sermon, and vibrant, singable hymns. It is my joy to lead both pastorally and musically at both of our services, 8:30 in the Chapel 

Worship Materials June 24th

Worship Materials June 24th

Hello again, Friends and Family of Trinity! I am very much looking forward to this coming Sunday…a great text, a compelling sermon, and vibrant, singable hymns. It is my joy to lead both pastorally and musically at both of our services, 8:30 in the Chapel 

Worship Materials for June 18th

Worship Materials for June 18th

Note: This posted has been made retroactively on June 19th. Our apologies for any inconvenience. Hello again, Friends and Family of Trinity!  I am writing this before leaving for Annual Conference, in the expectation of having all sorts of fun things to report upon my 

Worship materials for June 4th 2023

Worship materials for June 4th 2023

Hello again, Friends and Family of Trinity! Tomorrow we celebrate Trinity Sunday, and explore the benefits of understanding God from many perspectives. Caroline Fairchild, Christina Wong, and I will share the musicmaking. Holy communion will be safely served, too.We offer two services, 8:30 in the 

First Sunday Food Donations

First Sunday Food Donations

Sunday, June 4 is our time to collect donations for 6th Street. Please bring them to the altar or to the Church/Society Table during coffee Hour. Many thanks, Gary Estep

June 2023 Trinity Times

June 2023 Trinity Times

Below is a redacted copy of our June 2023 Trinity Times. Congregation members can email the church office for the full version.

5/28/23 Sermon

5/28/23 Sermon

Hello folks. Here is the text of today’s sermon for your convenience and enlightenment. Have a lovely day.

5/28/23 Worship

5/28/23 Worship

Hello again, Friends and Family of Trinity!  This Memorial Day Sunday is paired with Pentecost, the ‘birthday’ of the Church universal. Two very different commemorations, but we are going to synthesize them beautifully, I am sure. A few things that are particular for tomorrow: 1.