
Potluck Sunday, March 10th

Potluck Sunday, March 10th

We are having a very special Potluck Luncheon today right after the 10:30 a.m. service on Sunday, March 10th. Bring your favorite dish (or not) and join us for food and fellowship, the traditional Methodist way.

Weekly Church Calendar

Weekly Church Calendar

Sunday March 10 8:30 a.m. Worship, Chapel9:30 a.m. Adult Sunday School, Library9:30 a.m. Choir Practice10:30 a.m. Worship, Sanctuary Noon “New Neighbors” Potluck, Hadley Hall Monday March 11 1:00 p.m. Pastors’ Bible Study, Library6:00 p.m. Pastors’ Bible Study (With Dinner) Wednesday March 13 11:00 a.m. Membership 

Lenten Bible Study

Lenten Bible Study

It’s not too late! Bible Study is on Mondays through April 8. Two
sessions are available: 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. (includes a light dinner). The title of the study is 24 Hours that Changed the World.

Member Assistance

Member Assistance

If you know someone who needs EXTRA LOVING or are able to assist or pray for those who do, please call the church office, 343-1497.

Amazon Smiles Program

Amazon Smiles Program

If you shop at Amazon and want a painless way to support Trinity, login via instead.

Once you set up your login to support “Trinity Methodist Church” in Chico, CA, a half percent of every purchase made through is donated to Trinity.


November Worship Services

November Worship Services


The glorious text from Revelation 21:1-6a is the perfect text for All Saints Day; lofty and grand, yet tender and comforting, too. We will celebrate the saints who have gone on to glory this past year, and many past years; come to the Lord’s Table for communion, and offer our annual gifts and tithes as well! A big and lovely festival day in the life of the church, which will include the thought-provoking homily “All Things Made New”.


The timeless gospel story of the woman at the well will be shared today by an Episcopal friend, The Rev. Jill Honodel. Pastor Dave will lead the liturgy and assist with the Veteran’s Day celebration.


We conclude our sporadic exploration of the book of Hebrews today with the words found in chapter 10: 19-25. It is a most uplifting text, and all the more so for our annual Thanksgiving Sunday. The sermon today will be entitled “Confident, Assured, and Encouraging”. And it is our hope to welcome several new members among us at the 10:30 service, as well.


The final Sunday of the liturgical year is usually celebrated as Christ the King Sunday, and we will at least lean that way this year. The dramatic encounter between Jesus and Pilate as found in John 18:33-37 will be the foundation of our time together today. “The King of Truth” will be the sermon. And later in the afternoon, please come back and join us for our annual Charge Conference, 3:45pm, Hadley Hall.

Barn Dance

Barn Dance

Trinity Barn Dance 4:30pm in Cohassett! Please call the Tupy family for directions or use the email link:

Barn Dance – November 3rd

Barn Dance – November 3rd

Trinity Barn Dance 4:30pm in Cohassett on Saturday! Please call the Tupy family for directions or use the email link:

Q3 Statements Available After Second Service

Q3 Statements Available After Second Service

Current Statements of Giving are available for you in Hadley Hall after the second service. Please pick yours up or let the office know if you need to have yours mailed.

Membership Committee Seeks Volunteers

Membership Committee Seeks Volunteers

If you are interested in serving on the membership committee this year please contact Rich, Pastor Dave or Mary Wahl. The office number is 343-1497 should you not have a directory handy. This committee has fun together and is very effective. We meet once a month in the church office. The day and time will be decided when we have a full committee. Thank you in advance for considering working with us.