
Parson to Person

Parson to Person

Pie! How I love pie! And that love is both familial and religious; pie suppers are a deep and savory part of United Methodism as I have lived it. This fall at Trinity will be a tasty time, for sure. Your Membership Team will be managing signups for the Bible Study, and your Finance Team will be offering insightful, brief presentations during worship starting in mid October. The finance campaign will conclude on All Saints Day, a day we celebrate the whole pie of believers, not just the ones currently in the room or on the earth. And it is the day when we anticipate the gathering and feast to come, the reunion to end all, and I wager there will be pie, right?

Trick or Trunk

Trick or Trunk

On October 28, immediately following the 10:30 worship service, our kids will have the opportunity to enjoy the annual Trick or Trunk event in the church parking lot. But they can only enjoy it if you participate. Bring your vehicle, decorate your trunk (to whatever extent you wish) and hand out goodies to the kids. This is always a fun time for the entire Trinity family.

October Worship Services

October Worship Services

Hebrews 1:1-4 leads us into a celebration of Jesus’ glory and earthly impact as we gather with Christians the world over for Holy Communion. The homily today will be called “Reflected or Embossed?”.

We continue in the book of Hebrews, chapter 4, vs. 12-16, a faith-shaping text about our deeply empathetic Lord. The sermon will be entitled “A Sympathetic Savior”.

We return today to the gospel of Mark, chapter 10, vs. 35-45, where we encounter a rather famous story of some ambitious disciples whose zeal is bigger than their ability! It is a good story to hear every so often, as we focus our own spirations and ministry. The sermon this morning will be “Be Careful What You Pray For”. We also will begin our annual Stewardship campaign today.

One more visit to the grand book of Hebrews, chapter 7, vs. 23-28, which details the rather impressive resume that Jesus brings to the table of our lives. The sermon today is called “Appointed to Perfection”. We will also doubtless spend a bit of time with the thoughts of Martin Luther on this Reformation Sunday, continue our financial reflections, and enjoy the annual Trick or Trunk event following the 10:30 service. Costumes are welcome today!



Your Monthly Calendar!

November Calendar

November Calendar

Your Monthly Calendar!

Member Assistance

Member Assistance

If you know someone who needs EXTRA LOVING or are able to assist or pray for those who do, please call the church office, 343-1497.

Finance Committee has Q3 Statements Available

Finance Committee has Q3 Statements Available

Current Statements of Giving are available for you in Hadley Hall after the service on Sunday 7 October and Sunday 21 October.

Please pick yours up or let the office know if you need to have yours mailed.



October 10, 10am, Monthly UMW unit meeting. All are welcome. Join us for the monthly social and business meeting in Hadley Hall, Trinity UMC. Planning will continue for the Holiday Bazaar, Nov. 30 and Dec. 1. At 11:15 am Jessica Booth, Resources Coordinator for the Chico Boys and Girls Club, will speak to us followed by a tour of the Club which is just a short walk across the street from Trinity. Assistance or a car ride will be provided for those with mobility challenges.

Fall Bible Study for Adults

Fall Bible Study for Adults

We are excited to announce another Bible Study this fall. It will be held on Mondays for six weeks. (October 8th through November 12th) The afternoon study will be in the library at 1:00 p.m. until 2:00 pm. The evening group will meet in Hadley Hall at 6:00 p.m. for a light supper and an hour study. There will be sign ups in Hadley Hall and at Early Service on Sunday September 30th and October 7th. The study is entitled “Christianity and World Religions” Books will be available in the office and at church.

Rally Day a Giant Success!

Rally Day a Giant Success!

All ages had such a wonderful turn out for our Rally/Homecoming Sunday on September 9th. All ages came together in fellowship, love and enjoyed our church family activities. Thank you to all that made this such a successful event. Be watching for more of these events in the future.