
I scream, you scream, we all scream for the Membership Committee Ice Cream Social!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for the Membership Committee Ice Cream Social!

Sunday, July 29th after the 2nd Service: Clamo, clamatis, clamamus pro clamo et semper ubi sub ubi!

Youth Service Reminder – Torres Shelter 7/28

Youth Service Reminder – Torres Shelter 7/28

Reminder to Youth:
Our Torres Shelter food preparation and serving day this month is Saturday, March 24th. You may invite a parent, sibling, or friend to help work. If you are unable to work or intend to bring a crew, please let Lupe know ASAP.

New Member Ice Cream Social – Next Sunday

New Member Ice Cream Social – Next Sunday

Next Sunday, July 29, your membership team will host an ice cream social in Hadley Hall following the 10:30 worship service. Plan to attend this annual, fun event.

7/22/18 CALENDAR

7/22/18 CALENDAR

Your Weekly Calendar!

7/22/18 CALENDAR

7/22/18 CALENDAR

Your Weekly Calendar!

UMC Justice Faith In Action Update: Ministry with: San Fernando Valley Refugee Children Center

UMC Justice Faith In Action Update: Ministry with: San Fernando Valley Refugee Children Center

Church and Society wants you to know that obstacles for refugees do not end with resettlement. Children who are unaccompanied face additional hurdles.

Children Purchase Goat as Mission Project

Children Purchase Goat as Mission Project

The Vacation Bible School children met their mission goal and collected enough money to buy a goat from Heifer Project. The children will keep the goat penned in the narthex until they complete their stretch goal and raise enough to purchase a companion goat. Please donate using the glass jug at the side entrance to the sanctuary. Click for more info.

7/15/18 CALENDAR

7/15/18 CALENDAR

Your Weekly Calendar- 3.5 Days into Your Week!



Your Weekly Calendar!

Parson to Person

Parson to Person

…you would have to decide if your current spiritual practice was more like a fermented drink, bubbly and growing, or more like a still drink, kinda flat. Summer is the perfect time to mix in the opposite of what you already are doing, spicing thing up if you are coasting, or watering things down a bit if you are too hoppy. Again, these are summertime things, seasonal things; you don’t have to change something for the rest of eternity! But self-chosen change is the only kind of change that really works at the core level, and the only kind that helps us modify and improve in the long run.