
Free Concert Faith Lutheran – July 6th, 7pm

Free Concert Faith Lutheran – July 6th, 7pm

Naaq: Songs of Grief and Solace
Dr. Krystal J. F. Grant, Composer, Pianist, and Professor 
“And God heard their groaning…” Exodus 2:24



Your Weekly Calendar!

August Substitute Sunday School Teacher Needed

August Substitute Sunday School Teacher Needed

There are several openings to teach Sunday school during August. Our summer program uses a very easy curriculum. If you are willing to teach without making a long-term commitment, this is the perfect opportunity.

For more information or to sign up, contact the church office (343-1497).

Georgie Summers Birthday Celebration at Coffee Hour July 1st

Georgie Summers Birthday Celebration at Coffee Hour July 1st

On Sunday (July 1) during coffee hour, the Summers family will be hosting a celebration of Georgie’s 90th birthday on July 2. There will be a birthday cake and other snacks provided by the family. Come to coffee hour and wish Georgie a happy 90th.

Ida Grace Armor has passed away. Please pray for the family.

Ida Grace Armor has passed away. Please pray for the family.

Ida Grace Armor has passed away. We do not yet have any service information. We will let the congregation know when we hear more. In the meantime, please pray for the family.

6/25/18 CALENDAR

6/25/18 CALENDAR

Your Weekly Calendar!

Youth on Plaza to Support Families

Youth on Plaza to Support Families

Today at noon Youth Group families will be joining our denomination in demanding the end of family separation and child incarceration at our southern border by gathering together on the Plaza. Let us pray for unity.

Faith in Action – Church and Society

Faith in Action – Church and Society

Click to read the 6/13 Church and Society “Faith in Action” Newsletter

Coffee Hour Birthday Cake

Coffee Hour Birthday Cake

During coffee hour, following the 10:30 service, cake will served in Hadley Hall in observance of David Haynes

6/17/18 CALENDAR

6/17/18 CALENDAR

Your Weekly Calendar!