Parson to Person
Every year I fill out the self-evaluations from our Annual Conference, and every year they ask an interesting question about what words my friends and I would use to describe myself, but also what words an enemy would use to describe me. That really gets you thinking, and wondering about the way the world sees you. For example, curmudgeon is not a word I would choose for myself…in the main, I try to be a jolly kind of guy. Upbeat, joyful, all of that… when you are a Christian who plays the accordion and dances through life in a kilt, it is hard not to smile a lot! But I am plainly more sobered by Life these last few years, and have noticed some tendencies creeping up on me; selecting restaurants, not based on food or service, but upon how quiet they are; avoiding the typical aggressive movie fare, thinking more and running around like a headless chicken less. Morning meditation is a more regular part of my life now…I’m slowing down a bit, savoring life more. And in that vein, it always is reassuring to have a Sunday, every now and then, that isn’t a festival, or a special Sunday, just a plain, ordinary, meat and-potatoes kind of worship day. In our accelerated world, I treasure the slower days…maybe you do too.
BUT…if you are like me in that regard, then take a deep breath and join me in “girding your loins” as we wade into May, because there’s nary a calm day in sight! What a splendid month unfurls before us! It begins with May Day Sunday, welcoming the new life of Spring, sharing the Holy Communion meal, dancing a bit with lively friends… yes, a festival day!
The very next week is Mother’s Day, a day for affirming all of our core values as a church as they come to full flower in mothers and children. Always a big, mushy, emotionally charged day for the church…and then, just a week later, Pentecost Sunday is paired with our annual Reconciling Sunday, as we explore the activity of the Holy Spirit creating new life and new ways among us, and then another festive morning will have come and gone. Hopefully we all wear red that day.
We round out the month with Memorial Day weekend, and the flags will be flying and the trumpets (more likely accordions) will be blaring, and we will take time to honor and remember, too. Fair warning – prepare for a month that will likely contain every emotion known to humanity!
I suppose after the ‘calm hibernation of winter’ (not that any of us actually rested much) a riotous spring is simply the natural way of things. It feels good to know that the church is keeping time with the drumbeat of creation, more or less. We will carve out some contemplative moments each Sunday, but please don’t arrive seeking oasis or silence; the merry, merry month of May is upon us!