Your membership team is hard at work for you. We just finished a successful Bible Study and are working on another to start this fall. These studies allow us to get to better know each other and to expand our knowledge of scripture. We had both an evening group and an afternoon group this last study.
We have some exciting news!!!! Our website now includes the audio of Pastor Dave’s sermons. Go to the explore tab at the top of the page and you can pull them up to listen to. You can also bring them up on Google Play and Spotify. How lucky we are that Kathy and Steve Eckart and the web team have the expertise to make this happen. Thank them when you see them for making this a possibility.
We are looking for other members who would like to serve on our committee. Just call Rich at the church office if you are interested, or call Mary Wahl. We have a really great time and are a busy committee.