UMW News
Rummage sale funds more charitable giving, save the date 5/5 for Mother’s Day Tea, and don’t forget the April 11th unit meeting!
Rummage sale funds more charitable giving, save the date 5/5 for Mother’s Day Tea, and don’t forget the April 11th unit meeting!
Easter is the first Sunday in April. Please remember to bring your food donations.
Please bring your gifts to the church office by March 22. Thanks in advance for your generosity.
Reminder to Youth:
Our Torres Shelter food preparation and serving day this month is Saturday, March 24th. You may invite a parent, sibling, or friend to help work. If you are unable to work or intend to bring an entourage, please let Lupe know ASAP.
It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas and those tea towels aren’t going to make themselves.
We are again providing an Easter baskets for a family with a seriously ill child as part of the Brad’s Baskets program. Contributions of Easter basket items, donations towards Easter basket items, or food and gas gift cards are due 3/22.
Don’t do it. Collection counting has hooked better people than you. It’s hardly any commitment- maybe an hour a month. You might like it. The people are fun.
One day you might find yourself flipping through Finance Committee minutes, but why worry? You just want to help a little, right? You’ve got a life. It’s ok if you attend a few Finance Committee meetings though. Normal people with lives attend committee meetings. That doesn’t make you one of those ‘volunteer’ people.
You’re just thinking about helping with the Sunday count. You’ve got it under control. Call Pam for more details. You’ll be fine. You’re different than the others, and special.
Don’t neglect the second greatest commandment; It’s time to get involved in your community!